Relaxing and Being Creative

COVID-19 is impacting on all our lives and therefore the usual ways we might relax during a stressful and anxious period may no longer be available, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways, we just have to think outside of the box.

Take a break 

This might seem obvious but sometimes we think we are too busy to take a break. It doesn’t have to be for hours and use up a lot of your time, but sometimes just stepping away from stressful situations or taking a few minutes from your daily routines can give you enough space and distance to make you feel calmer.

Focus on your breathing

Breathing more deeply can help you feel a lot calmer and in control. Try and keep your shoulders down and relaxed and place your hands on your stomach, you should feel it rise and fall.

Bring out your artistic side

Try paining, drawing, making crafts, baking or sewing. Just remember this is not about the finished product, but just about enjoying yourself. You can do this on your own or with a member of your household.

Picture yourself somewhere else

Even though we can’t physically get away, use your imagination to transport you to somewhere you feel calm. You can choose a memory of somewhere you have been or a place you wish to go to.

Close your eyes and think about the details. What can you see and hear? Is it cool or warm? As your mind drifts your body will relax.