Yoga: the myths

In recent years we have seen yoga become more and more popular through celebrity endorsements, glorified health retreats and fashion – who knew if yoga had its own wardrobe. This article is to help separate those false claims surrounding yoga from the truth.

“It’s just glorified stretching”

The average yoga class goes through a series of poses, and although they may just look like stretches the aim is to connect the moment of the body with the breath in the current moment. Instead of being a form of stretching, it is actually a form of meditation, teaching self awareness and mindfulness that you then apply throughout the day.

“Yoga is too easy”

Every form of exercise has moments where an individual may not find it as ‘physically challenging’ however that does not mean it is not demanding on the body.

Poses involve muscles that aren’t frequently used, often putting your body in less familiar positions and although it might not be considered high intensity, the constant static or isometric contraction required is demanding. Aside from the calorie burn, yoga requires balance, coordination, static strength, flexibility and mindfulness, all considered as attributes to overall performance in other sport and activity.

“Yoga is only for flexible people”

This is the same as comparing the inability to run a marathon on your first attempt therefore claiming “I can’t run”. This backwards way of thinking is what leads people to believe that after their first session of yoga, if they are not able to hold all the positions, that it is not for them as they aren’t flexible enough.

Yoga, like other sports and exercises, takes practice. It is true that the more complex moves do require flexibility however this is something that improves with time, however, there are modified poses until you are ready for them.

“Doing yoga poses is embarrassing”

While people do feel a little self-conscious performing certain poses at first, by the time you are concentrating on your breath and trying to perfect your alignment, there is no longer time to think about what you look like.

If you are still worried, now is the perfect time to start in the safety and comfort of your own home.