The Power of Positivity

The current situation is extremely confusing, dealing with a pandemic is hugely difficult and a trying time for all. This level of change and unpredictability may lead individuals to experience problems with their mental health for the first time and for others, may cause additional stress and anxiety.

Thoughts of COVID-19 can often become overwhelming as many answers to questions are just unknown:

  • What is going to happen?
  • Are my loved ones going to be ok?
  • What will happen to the economy?

And it is often the unknown we fear most, creating negativity and low moods.

Therefore, it is important to remember that worrying rarely leads to a solution so we must try to remain focused on the things that are within our control and that we can directly impact.

By doing this we can try and maintain a level of positivity that will help motivate us and others through these difficult times. Here are some tips on keeping positive:

Substitute each negative thought with a positive one

When those negative thoughts creep in, replace it with a positive one. A bit like erasing a negative message written on a board and writing something more to your liking.

See the positive side in every situation

It can be big or small, but by identifying that in every situation there is something positive will help you see that everything doesn’t have to be negative

Think of 5 things you are grateful for

Try and do this every day and try not to repeat anything from the day before.

Send a positive message to someone else

Imagine receiving a nice message out of the blue, you are doing that for someone else.