Random Act of Kindness Day 2022

How does an act of kindness impact a colleague’s wellbeing at work?

Being kind at work brings many benefits to colleagues, including improving their wellbeing. Receiving a compliment, words of recognition, or praise can help colleagues feel more fulfilled, boost their self-esteem, improve their self-evaluations, and trigger positive emotions.

It has also recently been found that giving compliments and praise can make you even happier than receiving them, as it will build stronger social connections.

In this post we will explore how can we bring random acts of kindness to the workplace and build a more positive environment which may improve everyone’s wellbeing!

Praise a colleague

If you are working with a colleague on a project and you think that they have done a brilliant job, just tell them, it’s always nice to hear positive feedback about the work you do. A simply ‘Well done’ can make a huge impact on anyone’s day. Likewise, if you are in a team meeting and you know that this colleague feels comfortable, feel free to let everyone know the great job that person has done.

Linc-On e-cards

You can send e-cards to colleagues through your staff engagement platform Linc-On. Under the recognition icon on the map, you will find ‘Recognition Cards’.

Recognition cards are a fabulous way to praise, thank or congratulate a colleague and make their day!

Why don’t you go to Linc-On now and send a recognition card to that colleague that has given an extra step to help you with your project?

Hero Box

Nominate colleagues and help us choose the University monthly heroes! To nominate a colleague to receive a Hero Box simply email staffwellbeing@lincoln.ac.uk with the name of your hero and the reasons why they should be the winners!

Merit & Achievement Awards

The Merit & Achievement Awards is the university’s flagship scheme to recognise those individuals and teams that have had an outstanding performance during the last 12 months. Staff are strongly encouraged to use this scheme and nominate those colleagues and teams that have continually gone above and beyond.

The nomination window will open in June, keep an eye on our twitter account and HR Line for details on how to nominate. 

The Merit & Achievement Awards are a great example of how improving someone else’s wellbeing may impact our own wellbeing, it’s always nice to hear that those colleagues and teams that we have nominated have won an award!