Spending Time Away From Screen

Regardless of where you work, either at the office or at home, it is essential that you spend some time away from the screen during your working day. You may find remote/agile working beneficial in various ways, however you will agree that on average you spend more time in front of the screen than ever, as most, if not all, your working conversations and meetings will happen online, and, sometimes, with enough time to rest in between.

There are a few detrimental consequences for both your mental and physical wellbeing when you spend long periods of time in front of a screen. Some of the most common issues are; neck and back pain, headache, depression and anxiety, sleep problems, and sight problems. This is why it is recommended that you take frequent breaks from your screen during the day.

According to the GOV HSE (Health & Safety Executive) page, it is beneficial for your health to take 5/10 minutes break from your screen every hour. There are different ways to accommodate this during your working hours. For example, you can get up from your sit just to stretch your legs, or spend some time sitting near a window with the fresh air coming in. You can also have a catch up with a colleague if you are at the office or a housemate if you are working from home. Another way to rest from your screen would be to start taking notes on a board instead of using your laptop. You can be as creative as you want.

The University of Lincoln is committed to ensuring that all staff are comfortable when working in front of a screen, so it is very important that you make sure that you fill the DSE Form regularly (Display Screen Equipment) and for each work location.

Moreover, through your employee engagement platform Linc-On you will find fabulous benefits, such as Specsavers vouchers, that will help you prevent and counteract the negative effects previously commented.